Art Atrium Exhibition Opening – Max Miller – The Universe of Max Miller

It had taken years of blood, sweat and tears for Joe Eisenberg OAM and Janie Miller to produce the book that defines Max Miller as an artist and to curate a retrospective exhibition, The Universe of Max Miller, at Art Atrium, which was launched by Chris Gentle, artist and included a panel discussion moderated by Joe Eisenberg OAM on Max Miller’s incredible life. Max Miller unfortunately has been in gradual decline over the years with dementia and was not able to attend his exhibition and book launch. I managed to say hello to Max while he was sleeping at his home in East Kangaloon when I attended a second book launch at Berrima. The book, The Universe of Max Miller, with an introduction by John Olsen and numerous tributes by friends in the art world is published by Art Atrium.

Click here to view Max Miller's profile and artworks.


Art Atrium Exhibition Opening – Akira Kamada – Earth Wind Water & Human Activities


Art Atrium Workshop – Fan Dongwang – Chinese Ink Brush Painting